1. Launched in 5 September 1977, Voyager 1 space probe is the farthest man made object. After 42 years of launching it travelled 147 astronomical units and ventured to interstellar space.
2. UY Scuti of scutum constellation is the biggest star ever discovered. It's
radius is 1700 times that of our sun.
3. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar planet. Despite of the huge
size it complete it's full rotation in 9 hours 50 minutes.
4. Alexei Leonov is the first ever human being to perform space walk.
5. Reaching the height of almost 21 km Olympus Mons of Planet Mars is the
tallest mountain in the solar system.
6.Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the planet Jupiter.It is 90%
composed of hydrogen and majority of that is in strange metallic form.
7.Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. It has temperature of
462 degree celsius no matter where you in the planet Venus.
8.Cosmology is the branch of astronomy which studies the origin and
evolution of the Universe.
9.Event horizon is the telescope network which took the first ever
photograph of the black hole which is situated in the messier 87
10. Callisto is the second largest moon of the planet Jupiter.
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